Parish Information
Wednesdays - 8:15 A.M
Wednesdays - Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament immediately after Mass along with the recitation of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Devotions and Benediction at 10 A.M.
Thursdays - 6:15 p.m. Rosary and Divine Mercy Chaplet
Fridays - 8:15 A.M. Rosary immediately following Mass.
During the school year, students participate in the Mass Ministries and on the first Friday of each month, we have an all-school Mass. During our all-school Masses, students may sit with their family members who are attending Mass.
Saturday Evenings - 5 P.M.
Sunday Mornings - 10 A.M.
Children's Liturgy - Children aged 3 - 8 are welcome to attend this program at the 10 a.m. Mass. The program begins with a blessing of the children prior to the Liturgy of the Word. Children return to Mass with their families before the Liturgy of the Eucharist.
Holy Day Masses are announced as times are determined by the Pastor.
During the month of October, students lead the Rosary on Wednesday after Mass.
During Lent, Stations of the Cross are led by the students at 2:30 P.M. each Friday or after 8:15 a.m. Mass if it is the first Friday of the month. Stations are also said at 7 P.M. on Friday evenings.
If you would like to participate in our online giving you may click the link the below or scan the QR code.
Public School Religion Classes are offered on Monday evenings from September until April for students in K - 8th Grade. Please contact the parish for more information regarding this program.
St. Alphonsus Cemetery
St. Alphonsus has a cemetery where many local families have been laid to rest. If you have any questions about the cemetery please contact the parish office at (573) 384-6223.
Sacred Heart Sewing Club
Millwood Knights of Columbus #2009
Millwood Knights of Columbus Ladies Auxiliary #2009
Funeral Luncheon Committee
St. Alphonsus Youth Group
St. Alphonsus Angels of Service